Quick Scans

Our Quick Scans give you the opportunity to move forward.

Quick Scans

Delegated Authority




We developed 4 Quick Scans, enabling you to gain insight on a specific aspect of your or one of your business-partners operation. Thanks to the Quick Scan process you can take an informed decision whether you can move forward with a process or approval. Specifically, when it relates to regulatory requirements a Quick Scan can avoid the situation that you temporary have to suspend an activity, only for the reason you do not have the details how a process is executed.

  • The Compliance Quick Scan:
    In this scan, all compliance related procedures will be reviewed on meeting regulatory requirements and Lloyd’s standards and principles.
  • The Coverholder Pre-approval Quick Scan:
    This scan supports Managing Agents on a specific regulatory or operational aspect of a Coverholder application.
  • The IDD Quick Scan:
    This scan reviews meeting IDD requirements regarding the method of distribution, Product Oversight and Conduct.
  • The Website and Client Facing Documents Scan:
    This scan performs a deep dive review on the website and client facing Documents of the applicant / counterparty. Is the content of the website consistent with information provided? Are clients informed on roles in a transparent way?

When you require a quick-scan you can reach out to us via the contact form or click the button below, informing us as detailed as possible what the scope is of your request.

We will respond with a document explaining how we will proceed with this Quick Scan, what information we need to perform the Quick Scan, the expected time-line and a quote with a fixed price.

Request a quick scan

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly.
Contact Information
Quick Scan: (choose one or more options) *

Organization subject to the Quick Scan:*
Is it urgent?

Scope and information: